Getting Started with VICREO Listener.

VICREO Listener is a small program that sits on your machine waiting for incoming TCP connection/commands. It uses pre-defined commands to simulate key-presses on your machine. You can use this program to preform hotkey actions from remote

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How does it work

  • Download and install VICREO-Listener app for your OS (Windows/OSX)
  • Check for the log in the app to see on which IP addresses the listener will react


Download the right software package for your operating system and launch the program on the machine you would like to control (host).

On your client machine (the one you are sending commands from), send TCP string to the right IP-address from the host, to port 10001 (or change the port to something you like)


If you have any issues or suggestions, please create one over at GitHub:


You’ll send an object to the listener. The application first looks at a key called


The following types are available;


As from version 3.0.0 its needed to at a password option when sending your object. When in the listener the password is not filled, you can send an empty password. When a password is filled, you will need to Hash the password (MD5 hash) so the listener can check that the object is valid.

To support older connection methods, leave the password empty in the Listener.

Example key press

For keypresses create a object like this;

{ "key":"c", "type":"press", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }

Example key combination

{ "key":"tab", "type":"combination", "modifiers":["alt"], "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }

Example key trio

{ "key":"left", "type":"trio", "modifiers":["ctrl","shift"], "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }

Put the modifiers in an array.
Alt/option, command(win), Ctrl and Shift are supported.

Example processOSX

{ "key":"tab", "type":"processOSX","processName":"Microsoft PowerPoint", "modifiers":["alt"], "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example string message

{ "type":"string","msg":"C:/Barco/InfoT1413.pdf", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }

Example open file

Open a file on the local system;

{ "type":"file","path":"C:/Barco/InfoT1413.pdf", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example shell

To perform a shell command on the system;

{ "type":"shell","shell":"dir", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example set mouse position

To set the mouse to a certain place

{ "type":"mousePosition","x":"500","y":"500", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example mouse click

Click the mouse, provide button (left, right), double (true for double click)

{ "type":"mouseClick","button":"left","double":"false", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example subscription

Subscribe to certain events

{ "type":"subscribe","name":"mousePosition", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}

Example unsubscribe

Unsubscribe to certain events

{ "type":"unsubscribe","name":"mousePosition", "password":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}


The following keys are supported:

backspaceForward delete (delete key on extended keyboards)
deleteBackspace key
enterReturn/Enter key (main keyboard)
tabTab key
escapeEscape key
upUp arrow key
downDown arrow key
rightRight arrow key
leftLeft arrow key
homeHome key
endEnd key
pageupPage Up key
pagedownPage Down key
f1Function key F1
f2Function key F2
f3Function key F3
f4Function key F4
f5Function key F5
f6Function key F6
f7Function key F7
f8Function key F8
f9Function key F9
f10Function key F10
f11Function key F11
f12Function key F12
f13Function key F13
f14Function key F14
f15Function key F15
f16Function key F16
f17Function key F17
f18Function key F18
f19Function key F19
f20Function key F20
commandCommand key (⌘)
altOption/Alt key
right_altRight Option key
controlControl key
right_ctrlRight Control key
shiftShift key
right_shiftRight Shift key
caps_lockCaps Lock key
fnFunction (fn) modifier key
spaceSpace bar
printscreenPrint Screen keyNo Mac support
insertInsert keyNo Mac support
keypaddecimalKeypad Decimal (.)
keypadmultiplyKeypad Multiply (*)
keypadplusKeypad Plus (+)
keypadclearKeypad Clear
keypaddivideKeypad Divide (/)
keypadenterKeypad Enter
keypadminusKeypad Minus (-)
keypadequalsKeypad Equals (=)
numpad_0Numpad 0No Linux support
numpad_1Numpad 1No Linux support
numpad_2Numpad 2No Linux support
numpad_3Numpad 3No Linux support
numpad_4Numpad 4No Linux support
numpad_5Numpad 5No Linux support
numpad_6Numpad 6No Linux support
numpad_7Numpad 7No Linux support
numpad_8Numpad 8No Linux support
numpad_9Numpad 9No Linux support
audio_muteMute the volume
audio_vol_downLower the volume
audio_vol_upIncrease the volume
audio_prevPrevious Track
audio_nextNext Track
audio_rewindRewind (fast backward)Linux only
audio_forwardFast ForwardLinux only
audio_repeatRepeatLinux only
audio_randomRandom (Shuffle)Linux only
launchpadLaunchpad key (opens Launchpad)
missioncontrolMission Control key (opens Mission Control)
lights_mon_downMonitor brightness downAlias for F14 on some keyboards
lights_mon_upMonitor brightness upAlias for F15 on some keyboards